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Night surcharge is now $1

Admin comment


You are right. We already fixed this question. Thank you!

Toru Yamashita

Never meet!

M Saad

7. In Manhattan, Allen Street meets which of the following?
Correct answer is option 4. Canal Street, not orchard street as per my knowledge.

Toru Yamashita

Flat Fare from Manhattan to JFK is $70.00!

Admin comment


There is a small difference between first and second answers. First answer contains «and from».
1. Time and distance calculated by the meter, all tolls to and from Newark Airport, plus $17.50
2. Time and distance calculated by the meter, all tolls to Newark Airport, plus $17.50


1 and two same answer

Admin comment


You are right, but taxicabs and SHL vehicles are only required to take passengers to the 5 Boroughs of NYC, including: Nassau County, Long Island, and Newark airport.

Admin comment


You are right! We fixed the answer and comment. Thank you for your feedback!

Admin comment


Thank you for your feedback. Answer was fixed.

Admin comment


Thank you for feedback. We already fixed the answer.

Admin comment


Thank you, we already added answers' serial numbers.


Prices have changed on 6 tlc tariffs you have the old prices

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The TLC law says the the TLC diver can operate within the 5 boroughs.


Answer is c

Shafayet Wahid

Answer should be 10 or more

Shafayet Wahid

«passenger» word using 2 times, which makes the question with no meaning

Shafayet Wahid

Answer is incorrect.
answer is 7:00 Am to 6:00 pm

Shafayet Wahid

answer is incorrect

Shafayet Wahid

it needs to mention the Answers serial no.