
Date Description Link 17 February 2024 Fixed the right answer in Vision Zero #5 Question №5, Vision Zero 16 February 2024 Updated fare in question #19 (TLC rules 2) Question №19, TLC rules and regulations 2 15 February 2024 Fixed right answer in question # 7 in Geography 1 Question №7, Geography 1 19 November 2023 Fixed answer in question # 15 in Safe driving category Question №15, Safe driving skills and traffic rules 18 November 2023 Fixed answer in question # 15 in TLC rules 1 Question №15, TLC rules and regulations 1 17 November 2023 Fixed answer in question # 6 in Vision Zero Question №6, Vision Zero 17 November 2023 Fixed answer in question # 5 in TLC rules 1 Question №5, TLC rules and regulations 1